Friday, November 2, 2012


Oh hey, long time no see ^__^

It's that time a year ladies and gentlemen! It's the MAMAs! WOOOOOO..But really we all know it's A.K.A. for "time to watch two or three fandoms fight over a rookie award."

And guess who's fighting this year? Yes you guessed it! BABYs and whatever the fuq EXO fans are called. 

Ok so, just to let you guys know, I'm actually a hardcore BABY and semi-Exotic (Luv me some EXO-M). I think all this bullshit fighting is absolutely uncalled for. It's just an award AND it's not even the only rookie award. I get it though, they worked hard all year for this award and you guys both think your respective group deserves it.

But I'm going to have to stop Exotics right there though. I love EXO and I'm not trying to say they don't deserve this award. But fuck. BAP has promoted FIVE, not ONE, not TWO, but FIVE, songs this year. Dude they have released more albums in one year than most nugu groups even have in their entire career before they're forgotten.

I don't know but I think that deserves a little recognition. Not only did they promote five songs but those five songs AND the albums were made with great quality each and every time. 
EXO is a great group with amazing aspects but they only promoted one song and left us wanting more.

Anyway, besides that I was highly upset that groups such as BTOB and EXID weren't nominated for the rookie award. And of course Evol wasn't nominated but I wasn't expecting to see them.


Everyone can't be nominated but I still don't understand how AOA is nominated over EXID. Whatevzz though. I am also highly upset that Super Junior is winning over Psy for Artist of The Year and Song of The Year. Like wtf...You're kidding right? 

But then again, this voting process is nothing but fans voting based on their fandoms and not using rationale or logic. Or taking achievement into consideration. Gangnam Style may not be some amazing ballad but the song has taken kpop far beyond anything Super Junior has done in their entire career, over the course of a couple of months. Whether it's good or bad heh yeah...

Me on the other hand, I don't vote that way. If I did, I'd be voting for 4minute for song of the year and everything else they were nominated in, but I didn't. Because even though I'm a die-hard 4nia, their song was no where near as great as many of the other songs nominated.

I didn't even vote for 4minute at all actually. Not because I didn't think they deserved it but it's just I use rationale and other artist were obviously better this year. 


  1. you are just so rude...if you're going to write something like this bashing other people, don't put it on tumblr and tag it, keep it to yourself.

    1. I'm not bashing. It's called logic. And every group/artist that I mentioned in this post..Yeah I like ALL of them. But I'm just being truthful about these awards.

    2. I don't even know where to start... First your "logic" is completely subjective and just because you claim to "like" the group doesn't mean that you weren't bashing.

      Next: since when does quantity = quality? Also B.A.P. has promoted 5 (6 if you count Secret Love) songs but they have not released 5 albums. They have all been either mini albums or re-packaged mini albums or even just singles (Stop It has 2.5 songs, hardly an "album"). So try again. Also before the hate starts, I actually do like B.A.P. I think Warrior is a masterpiece (my favorite rookie track released this year next to What Is Love), and I think No Mercy is really awesome.

      Your belief that everything B.A.P has produced is quality is a little naive. I think their potential is exponential but I think that TS did them a disservice by making them promote so much. Crash was cute but seemed rushed and this feeling was only amplified with Stop It. I wish they would give the kids time to come up with great music and not just promote seemingly every song they record.

      Also, I'm kinda loving all the debate between the fandoms because I'm a full believer that rivalry brings out the best in people. I hope that EXO and B.A.P remain rivals because that gives both sides motivation to produce the best material and not get complacent. So I say bring on the fanwars (as long as its civil of course)

      Sorry for the essay but you did tag this as EXO so you should anticipate things like this :)

    3. The funny thing is, I agree with what you're saying mostly. However, I never said that because BAP released more that they were better. It's the fact they PROMOTED and put more TIME into their work this year as far as new material. Whereas, we barely even know EXO as artists. But we sure as hell know B.A.P.

      Secondly, I am one of the biggest complainers when it comes to B.A.P. promoting WAY too much. So I agree with you there. I also agree that rivalry is good but fighting at concerts and spewing insults..No. Just no. Some fans take things WAY TOO far.

      Thirdly, I NEVER said that EVERYTHING B.A.P. released was good. I don't even like Power...However, their "2.5" "ALBUMS" were pretty good compared to EXO's ONE! IN MY OPINION. And EXO's was also really good, but B.A.P. was just better.

      Basically, I just don't like the fact that because EXO is EXO that were just going to say "Oh they should win." Why? Why should they win? They didn't promote, their song was amazing but they didn't show us anything else. We don't know them as artists.

    4. Btw I like your sass =D

      I'm not even gonna lie, because I'm not one of loony fans. You have great points. But hey we're all not going to agree all the time. And I honestly didn't mean to sound "bashy". I just come off like that sometimes lol.

    5. Of course fans take it too far, its kinda a given in the kpop industry :) I mean lets be real here haha!

      Also I totally respect your opinion about B.A.P's music being better, your completely entitled to that. It's music people, it'a ALWAYS subjective; some people can't seem to grasp that.

      However, I don't think there is anybody who is legitimately saying that EXO deserves the award because they're EXO. The reason I do it fairly straight forward. EXO has destroyed every single idol rookie when it comes to physical sales. They're ONE min album has sold significantly more than ALL of B.A.P's releases and B.A.P have been promoting for 4 moths longer. That is a stat that cannot go unrecognized. *OPINON ALERT* I think EXO produced beautiful music this year and they're mini album was really fantastically done. It gave us a wide range of genres (they're is a chasm between Two Moons and Angel haha) and showed off some amazing vocals, some actually decent rap (and that is saying sooo much coming from SM) and both beautiful and ridiculously difficult choreography. *END* :)

      I think both groups worked they're asses off (during Killing Camp when Youngjae said he wanted to get injured just so he didn't have the practice anymore..... :( omg my heart broke) and recently Lay's injury barely being able to walk through the airport but refusing the wheelchair and still waving and smiling at his fans :( my poor heart. So OF COURSE both groups deserve it.

      I like the point you made about not knowing EXO as artists because I actually completely agree with you. We don't know EXO's music identity yet. But the rookie award is not really about that, it's more about rewarding a successful rookie year and the potential a specific group has in the future.

      But I also think that B.A.P don't really know themselves yet either. With Warrior, Power, and No Mercy, I thought I had them pegged. They were gonna be the badass, take shit from no one, hard core rap group and I LOVED it. Then Crash happened and I was kind of thrown for a loop but I gave them the benefit of the doubt because I thought it would be like a one time thing. Then Stop It. Ugh, I had my hopes raised soo high and I was soo excited. The teaser pics looked so badass and then we get the song and its a retro jumbled mess :( I think, to be honest, that they're just a bit confused right now and need a break to go back to what made them great and what made me love them. Every time they preform the whole cutesy thing I swear BYG looks like he wants to kill himself :/ I want my warriors back!

  2. Random question, but how many rookie awards are there total?
