Thursday, July 18, 2013

[FRESH FACES] Rookie Edition: Rookies to Look Out For

Rookies to Look Out For

Every year in kpop we get an onslaught of incoming rookie groups and frankly its so overwhelming and the industry is so saturated that I've started to completely ignore all rookie groups. Why? Because its just to much and I don't have the attention span.

However, there are a few that have so how managed to be so good that they've caught my eye! Here is a list of my picks for rookie groups to look out for. Especially with the end of the year rookie award up for grabs. 

If you have not checked these guys out, you're missing out on A LOT. These little cuties managed to catch my attention and I don't even remember how. One day I just decided to check them out for no apparent reason and fell in with them from the first teaser.

These guys have a very strong sense of character and their music is the highest quality.

The thing that I love most of all about Bangtan Boys is that unlike most "Hip Hop" groups, these guys are not just two rappers in a group full of singers/dancers but each and every one of them could rap if they need to and they're quite good. They look and sound like a true "Hip Hop" group.

These guys are my no.1 pick best rookies of the year so far.

I know. I sound crazy. But I LOVE these girls and their debut song "Pit Pat". Its catchy, its fun, and its sexy while still managing to be cute. Pit Pat is just one of those kpop songs where its good in that catchy bubblegum pop kind of way and you can't stop listening to it. Besides, they have an ass dance. Sorry.

Their leader Hyeyeon and lead singer U.ji have beautiful voices that I hope they will be put to good use in their future comebacks. I can't wait to see what their future holds!

These girls are STELLAR! I fell in love with them and their song at first listen. Their vocal power is absolutely amazing and they show it off quite well on the first single. Their lead singer Sojung has one of the most unique and beautiful voices I've ever heard in kpop. I could listen to her for hours.

Their debut Music Video was quite fun to watch and very interesting. And if you haven't seen these ladies perform live I suggest you check it out! Its well worth your time.

If Ladies Code plays their cards right, I think they could the next big thing in kpop especially when factoring in their talent. But then again since when has talent ever factored in kpop?

I know they have a silly name but I promise you these guys are worth a listen. They are a vocal-hip hop group and they are REALLY talented.

This is one of those groups where they will probably never get the recognition they deserve. They will always fly under the radar.

However, its always those groups who
usually hold the most talent of course. They debuted with a song called "예쁘다" a.k.a. "Pretty" and the song is a beautiful piece of work.

Let me know about your favorite rookies so far this year below
And also click the name of these groups to go to their debut music videos.

1 comment:

  1. I swear if BTS don't win something this year I be flipping shit everywhere!! Haha damn their second album got me GOOD!
