Friday, September 21, 2012

[REVIEW] New Releases

There has been a whole lot going on this month as far as new music! I've picked out some of the releases I've been anticipating, was impressed by, and releases that were just the shit.

Rania - Style

I'm a hardcore Rania fan (header, obviously) and I've been waiting for this release for just about forever. And I am highly upset and disappointed. First off, once again there is a member change. Rania loses a member literally every promotional cycle. Jooyi, the voice of Rania, is no where to be found. Not only that but this song really isn't that great. The MV is EXTREMELY cheap looking and their styling horrendous. This is no where near as good as Dr. Feel Good or Pop Pop Pop. And we waited all this time for a digital single. Hopefully they are just using this to stall some time to edit the songs on the real album, due to Jooyi's departure, to hold us off for the real deal or at least more songs. I'm at least hoping the song will grow on me?

I just can't believe YG produced this shit. He's better than this.

Rating: 3/5

SPICA - I'll Be There

SPICA, one of my top favorite rookies this year, this is, what? Their second comeback? And it's pretty awesome. It's suppose to be a little 90s-ish or something. Whatever. The song is really cute! The dance is really adorable and of course their vocals are on point. It's definitely a solid release but it's not as great as Painkiller. It's good for a small second release though. It's probably not as good to me because they tried a brighter image this time around. It works well for them, but I like their darker image a tad bit better. But this is a refreshing single for them so they don't become repetitive.

Rating: 4/5


They should have named this song Unf
BTOB is back with a sexy as fuck image and that dance makes me want to hump them. I reaaalllyy like this song and MV and everything. I think it's definitely an upgrade for them, because I really didn't care for their previous songs. In fact, I don't have any of them on my mp3 player. They were nice songs but not attention-grabbing. However, THIS ONE...I'm in love with these boys after watching this shit. Ilhoon can have anything he wants. Noona loves you!!

Rating: 4.5/5

GD - Crayon

If you asked me what I thought of GD about 4 weeks ago I would have said, "GD is a defective rapper."  I still kinda think that actually. HOWEVER, this album, this MV, these releases he's been doing....Definitely without a doubt are giving me GD feels. I loved One of a Kind, not so much with the other song. AND THEN BAM he releases Crayon. I really love this MV, this song, this everything. I think it's very different, it's very GD and the MV keeps you super entertained. 

On a side note: I also listened to Light It Up and I was practically sold. Tablo, GD, AND Dok2, please hold me now....

Rating: 5/5

U-kiss - Stop Girl

This is not a ranking. I'm not putting U-kiss above GD. However, I would if it was a ranking and here's why. This song is the best fucking song U-kiss has EVER released as a title track. They finally picked the right fucking song for once (well I haven't listened to the entire album) but their title tracks usually suck ass! This song is amazing; it has more of a R&B sound compared to their past releases and it really suits them well. Surprisingly heh. The MV is very simple and chic and just all around unf. Even Eli's rap is good, holy shit.
They're not as cheesy as they usually are. And I watched their performance of this song and I was SOOOOO impressed.

I'm really proud of them and I reaallyy hope they win because they deserve it with song.

Rating: 5/5


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