Tuesday, January 1, 2013

[RANKINGS]Top 10 Songs of 2012 (Promoted)

This year in kpop was absolutely amazing. I didn't think any year would top 2008 however, I think 2012 came pretty close if not topping the year 2008 with it's stunning releases! Here's my Top 10 2012 releases that were promoted! And by promoted I mean, title tracks, basically. 

I'm not really fond of title tracks to be quite honest, so when I do un-promoted (songs from off the albums) expect a better bang. Those are the songs that you need to listen to haha. Most of these you've probably already heard and if you haven't go listen to them!!

3. Ga In - Bloom

The video for this song is magical and the song itself is magical. This song is definitely better than her last and her last was really good. It's such a simple melody and that's what makes it SO good. Ga In's voice is one of my favorites because it's very unique. Her voice works wonders in this song~~

2. Lee Hi - 1 2 3 4
I think this song is the most recent song on my list? No?

I fell in love with this song on the FIRST listen. Well not just the song but Lee Hayi period...She's so cute and sassy and she brings that sass to this song. Her voice of course is absolutely amazing. I'm sure you've heard. Some people say the song is nothing special but I highly disagree! I like my songs a bit simple so the voices can shine and that's exactly what this song does for her. When I listen to this song I feel really badass..I dunno why.

1. SPICA - Painkiller

The best release from SPICA period. I can't believe this song is from a rookie group. It's incredible beautiful and soulful. If you haven't listened to this song you're clearly not alive. I swore when this song released it would be my number one for the year and that nothing could top it! These girls and their voices give me goosebumps T^T
Hearing this song performed live is even more amazing...If that's even possible.
Painkiller is my number one for this year in title tracks. Lee Hi was actually my original number one but I just couldn't deny this song after listening to it one more time.

Feel like I missed anything? What was your favorites this year? Let me know below?

Other Lists
Top 10 Music Videos of 2012
Top 10 Songs of 2012 (un-promoted)

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