[OPINION] Why Are Boy Groups More Popular?

I've always wondered why boy groups are far more popular than girl groups. Actually I'm lying, I never wonder why, cause I already know.

Any kpop fan would have noticed by now that it's way harder for girl groups to make it to the top than boy groups.

For example it took SHINee a matter of months before they achieved their first win while it took f(x) 3 years. They debuted in 2009 and won in 2011. SHINee debuted in 2008 and yeah you guessed it, they won in 2008.

And all I'm thinking is....Aren't these two groups like...The same?

One could simply say.."Well there are more girl kpop fans." True and a lot of girls rarely stan girl groups. Some chicks just downright can't stand girl groups. Yeah I know, fucked up right?

However I'm going to give you some other reasons to think about.

One the interesting things I realized is that boy groups are more aggressively promoted. SHINee was constantly promoting song after song from debut until they won. While f(x) would promote, disappear for several months, pop up in some magazines and then come back.

But the two most talked about promotional imbalanced groups has to be 4minute and BEAST.

4minute actually started off incredibly great. They debuted in mid-June with Hot Issue (Ugh) and won in September with their second title track Muzik and they had only been promoting it for close to a month.

Do you see any key point here? Look how close in time their first two tracks are. As soon as they got done with Hot Issue they turned right around and released Muzik.

Cube was promoting them aggressively but then they started to lag, taking longer and longer to release 4minute's next album (with Hyunah's solo in between) when people still hadn't even gotten to know them.

The next time we saw this still rookie girl group 4minute promote another album was in May of 2010. Cube thought that because they had won a few number ones so quickly that they could slack.

4nias claim BEAST is promoted more aggressively than 4minute. Appearing here, there and everywhere, getting solo tours, and certainly landing far more television appearances.

BEAST debuted around late October and won around six months later with Shock. Clearly 4mimute achieved a WAY quicker win. But why is BEAST far more popular?

One of the reasons in my opinion is that BEAST gets far better quality albums than 4minute. Can you name one BEAST album that was just trash? No. I thought so. Now try 4minute..Like 80% of their albums are mediocre. With beautiful songs sprinkled here and there.

We wait so long for 4minute and get disappointed and lacklustered every time. Except Volume Up..heh.

Another reason is that 4minute is not as televised as BEAST. People don't know these girls. 99.9% of the kpop fandom thinks Hyunah is their leader. Whereas EVERYONE knows BEAST.

Another sly thing I noticed is that Cube continued to aggressively promote BEAST even after winning number and quickly shipped 4minute out to Japan. Where their existence in Korea died.

BEAST promoted two albums in 2010, 4minute promoted one and wasn't seen once again until 2011.

It's all about promoting and timing correctly and Cube failed.

Another quick reason I think boy groups are more popular, going back to music quality, is that girl groups are more focused on who can spread their legs the farthest instead of who can reach the highest note or dance the fuck off.

Girls groups are either trying trick you into thinking you should buy their album with their cuteness or their breasts and legs.

While boy groups are crushing them with good quality music and music videos.

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