5. Amber
Now, Amber boo boo, I love you. You're hot and sexy and I'd contemplate going lesbian for you but your rapping skills....Let's just say it needs work.
There is a different between occasionally banging out a good cover of somebody else's raps and being a good rapper. Her flow is borderline horrid most times. She just doesn't flow. AT ALL.
All she has is that sexy "rapper" voice. She can't use it properly though.

4. Eli of U-kiss
Please. Stop. Now.
I think he's sexier when he isn't rapping....Seriously. Only like one of his raps was even remotely close to being legit. Most times I'm just like "wtf why". I love you but stop this madness.

3. Taecyeon
Ok. I think everybody and they momma knows he can't rap. He's really hot and I think he's a funny dork but his rapping is a legit turn off.
He sounds like he's just babbling and yelling half the time and the other half he's just like "hey I got words, let me talk them on this track"
Just be like Nichkhun and try your hardest to sing. Taecyeon's singing is better than his rapping anyway.

2. Yunho (Sex leadah)
My dear. Even cassies know what it is. Yunho sounds like a little boy before puberty when he attempts to rap.
You're so sexy honey, you don't need to rap. In fact, just shut up and stare at the camera. Now that's sexy.
At least his can dance?

1. SM Family
The whole damn SM can't rap. They keep producing these rappers just for a catchy tune.
They really have these rabbit fan girls thinking that these artists can rap....It's so sad. I've watched some chicks argue that Key of SHINee is the best that ever did it. Really people? Key is my awesome diva, but he is not the best rapper in the kpop universe.
Some kpop site had a best rappers poll and mind you, young, amazing rapper who dedicated their whole being to hip hop was on the list like Zico of Block B, Simon D, and GD etc...
And these girls really had Eunhyuk of Super Junior winning.
He's not even a RAPPER. He's one of the best dancers in kpop no doubt but c'mon, Zico and Kyung would eat him alive.
Give credit where credit is due. Stop saying that these "rappers" are better than actual rappers, who rap and only rap to pay their light bill.
Especially when we all know that these companies only determine who will be "the rapper" by how deep their voice is.
Nyahahahaha, this is so true! Thanks for coming out and saying this!!!