Wednesday, August 15, 2012

[OPINION] Can Non-Asians Really Make It In Korea?

Before I start this post, I am NOT Asian. Ok leggo.

Just recently....Chad Future made his Music Video debut onto the kpop scene and of course the reaction was a disaster. This made me wonder...Can non-Asians really make it in Korea? And my answer is "Hmm yeah maybe." and here's why.

First off, Chad Future will most likely not make it. Not trying to be a bitch but his Korean sucks, he's hella awkward, he's trying too hard, and...Yeah you get the point. Like I said before I'm ALL for what Chad is trying to do however, he's doing it the WRONG way. He's trying REALLY hard to fit into the typical "K-pop" image and we all know that only works if you're Asian.

If you're going to be a non-Asian going into the K-pop industry, take what you do well, and do it in Korean. Don't try to BE Korean. That won't work because you're NOT Korean or Asian for that matter.

Now we all know that Asia/Asians don't have the best rep for accepting Non-Asians especially into their music industry, but they're getting better, cut them some slack lol. If you're going to succeed in any Asian music industry it would probably be Japan. Their artists come in colors of the rainbow! I've seen it all. But Korea is a different story. We have RARELY seen attempts by non-Asians to crack the Korean market so when we do it's all eyes on them. But of course they never succeed because only the international fans are watching. And they usually try too fucking hard.

So is being Asian or partially Asian the only way? Nope. And here's why Chad Future really sucks.

His name is Shayne Orok.

And yes he's half-FILIPINO half-White. But the kid appears to be white. If no one told you, you would think he was white and everybody knows Filipinos are more Latino than anything LOL. This boy has accomplished what many other could not..He's seen some success. He got pretty far on 'Birth of a Great Star', he has his own radio show, he's actually performed on music shows, I actually know his damn songs and their REALLY good, his Korean is GREAT! And he's fucking adorable....

This is how you do it. You don't come in and try to look like Teen Top or SHINee. BE YOURSELF! Shane Orok hasn't changed since his YT days. He's the closest to a good example for any Non-Asian (even though he's partially Asian, Koreans don't know that) that are going to try and come to Korea and be K-pop stars.

I support the influx of non-Asians coming into K-pop 100%. Fuck I'm not Asian! I'd love to see K-pop become a little more diverse like Japan. But not like this. We can't do it this way....It just looks dumb.

If I were to debut in Korea, as a young Black female, who is pretty cute if I do say so myself, I would never try to be like f(x) or Kara, I'm setting myself up for failure. And that's what Chad Future tried to do, he saw all the most popular boy groups and tried to emulate them.

Maybe YG will unveil that supposed African-American trainee they have been holding for years.

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