Friday, August 31, 2012

[RANKINGS] Top 5 Rookie Female Rappers

There has been quite a surge of good quality rookie girl groups this year and with new groups comes new rappers. Usually I don't really give a flying fuck about girl group rapper because they're usually horrible and don't even deserve to be called "Rappers". But lately in K-pop not only has there been a HUGE influx of Hip Hop themed groups but a lot of those groups have been girl groups. And even the groups without a hip hop theme have been producing some AMAZING female rappers. These girls definitely deserve some shine because they're turning the typical squeaky voiced k-pop female rapper image around.

Top 5 Rookie Female Rappers

5. Zinni B-Girl Rapper of GLAM

I don't know what it is about this girl but I love her so much haha. She's gorgeous and her spunk level is out of this world. Zinni comes in at number 5 because even though her rapping skills are definitely better than 98% of girls that hold the female "rapper" position of their group, it's not up to par to actual female rappers. She could use some improving but it's definitely there. She has the voice and the flow, she just needs to hone it. Another thing about Zinni is that we haven't really seen a lot from her as far as rapping goes but the stuff I have seen is pretty good. I can't wait to see where she goes and how much she improves in GLAM's future albums.

  • 3.5/5.0

4. J-DA Rapping Maknae of EVOL

I think a lot of people overlook J-da as a rapper because Juni J is so damn good. But let's not deprive little Yeonju of her spot as one of the best because this chick is pretty badass too. I actually stopped and listened to her rapping on Evol's album and I'm just like "Wow...She's REALLY good." She actually reminds of Pyo because of her deep voice and baby face. I think her rapping is way better than Pyo's though lol oops did I say that? 

  • 4.0/5.0

3. Lime

Yes, I know what you're thinking, "Bitch are you crazy? She's above J-da and she's in some girly group?" I know I know. Hello Venus one of the girliest groups to debut this year IF NOT THE girliest group this year. But guess what, don't let the cute face and image fool you, this girl can rap. Not only does she rap extremely well to be in some girly group, but she writes her own raps and writes raps for other people. I don't know, I just have a lot of respect for her after discovering that she actually writes. I put her at number 3 because who would have thought that she actually had some rapping skills being apart of a group with such a girly image. Where most groups with that image...Their rappers...Let's just say are shit. 

By the way, it was during  this song that I realized she could rap.

  • 4.0/5.0

2. LE of EXID

By far my favorite rookie rapper this year! I think the word "swag" is hella over-used but it's literally the only way to describe this woman. Her everything is just unf and swagged out. Some people say she's a try-hard, I say you're a haterrrrr. Not only is she fabulous but her rapping skills? Fuck yeah they're up-to-par. She could have done perfectly fine as a solo female rapper. Her flow and voice is flawless. The thing I love about her rapping is that it has a VERY effortless sound. She doesn't need to get all hype and jumpy, she can just sit and rap with her poker-face and kill it.

  • 5.0/5.0

1. Juni. J (Jucy) of Evol

Honestly, it was a tie between LE and Juni. J. Juni. J only comes in at number one because unlike LE I've heard a lot more of Juni. J's rapping and this girl has a great range of rap styles. She released a mixtape of compiled songs and I was quite impressed and of course there is Evol's album where she basically molested the songs with her raps. Juni doesn't even need any improving because she's already there. If you compare her rapping from the mixtape to the album, she's definitely already had her fair share of improvements anyway. In the album her rapping is a lot more polished and on point. Training has definitely done her well.

Her and LE can definitely stand with some of the best female rappers in k-hip hop, in my opinion.

  • 5.0/5.0

Now I can actually say, "No. You're wrong, there are good female rappers in K-pop too not just K-hip hop."

One of my commenters just bought this to light and I couldn't help it. 

I won't even say anything, just watch.


  1. What do you think about Yezi from FIESTAR?

    1. I JUST got finished checking FIESTAR out today and I was really tempted to put Yezi on the list. I JUST watched her cover of Lil Mama's rap in Avril's Girlfriend and was like DAYUM...She's better than Zinni as far as rapping goes and if I had seen her before posting this she'd definitely take her spot.

  2. I currently love you A LOT right now LOL XD I agree with you completely. I was just thinking about Yezi too and then I saw the vid when I scrolled down. Didn't miss a thing, great analysis. ^^v

    1. Thank you so much for reading and everything. Yeah Yezi definitely has squeezed herself into my heart lol.

  3. I kind of freaked out when I saw Lime there... Then I looked up raps and found how badass she is. What a waste to put her in Hello Venus.

    1. No, it isn't ^^ Lime really fits in HV. It's making Hello Venus different from other girl groups. Pledis' really brilliant for putting her there, y'know? Because like, girly groups are scattered around yet so popular and I think Pledis is trying to defy them by putting some feistiness in a girly girl group. Yeah, sorry for my bad english u__u
