Saturday, August 11, 2012

[OPINION] What Happened to Hyunah?

What happened to Hyunah?

She's not dead or anything..It's just I was watching some of her past videos earlier this week with my friends and I was thinking to myself "Wow...What happened to her? I mean like her talent?" Not to sound all harsh or anything but if you compare her past videos to what she does now, it's mind-blowing. 

I know you guys have heard all this "Hyuna is a slut. She's not even talented, all she does is shake her ass." "She can't sing and she can't really dance and she certainly can't rap."

For you.

I must admit, that over the years Hyunah's talent has seen a HUGE decline. The more sex-driven her image has become the more talent-less she looks. When Hyunah first came on the scene, she wasn't noticed because she was just sexy, she was noticed because, let's face it, the girl IS one of the best dancers in kpop. She may not be the best vocalist or rapper but I hate when people try to deny her as one of the best dancers.

Let's not forget her 'Change' days which quite frankly I think showcased her best. The choreography wasn't too sexy or too technical. It was just right and she performed just right every time. In her last stage for 'Change' Hyunah pulled out all stops, this is probably the best I've ever seen her vocally and choreography wise.

These days Hyunah is more known for dancing sexily. She was known for it back then but now it's all she ever does. And even now her sexy dancing pales in comparison to her sexy dancing from the past. Below is a video from her Muzik days.

And this video is a bit more recent. All she's doing here is walking around. Seriously. Whereas above she's actually moving her body. It's actually sexy (well her hair and makeup sucked compared to the one below though LOL).

Her 'Touch Me' dance routine is probably my favorite though. I wish she would do more of this. Because once again like 'Change' it's not too sexy and not too technical. It's a mixture of both which is what Hyunah, as a dancer, is suppose to be about.

This takes me to her 'Bubble Pop' days, some people hate it, some people love it. I personally thought it was great. It wasn't the song or the dance though..It was just the whole package. It was sexy, fun, fresh, and fuck it got me up and dancing and that's all that mattered. And besides the fact that she was drop dead gorgeous,  I think she did a pretty good job with the 'Bubble Pop' promos. However, it's still nothing compared to what she did with 'Change'. It was purely sex-driven.

But I mean but c'mon look how much fun she's having here lol.

So my point is, Hyunah has talent, it's there. But it's just being buried deeper and deeper as she gets to be more sex-driven. The funny thing is, I really don't mind her sexy image, she was always sexy. She's obviously a naturally sexy performer. I see a lot of 4nias always saying "Stop forcing her to do sexy concepts." I don't think it's forced. It's just the way she is. People who don't really know Hyunah would never know this but, she's actually a cutie. She's not sexy AT ALL in real life. I think she likes to show this different side of herself on stage. And it feels natural but it's just that lately everything has been ALL sex with her.

And for all the people who are constantly saying they don't understand why she's famous at all, I have a question for you. Do you think you can get up on stage and do what she does? Everyday? I don't think you can. I bet you can't even prance or strut like she does. I know I can't. Fuck I barely WALK correctly in heels. 

I think Hyunah is famous because obviously she's sexy but also because she has the whole package. She's a cool chick, she's fun, her music is fun, she definitely has the charisma, and she's daring..(Trouble Maker..C'mon)

 She needs to treat her dancing like it's her prized possession because she's lacking in those other areas. So I want her to go back to those days where she actually danced and didn't just prance around in really high heels.

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