I'm sure everyone has gotten the memo by now, Hyunah is once again making her solo return and not everybody is too happy about it. Not only is Hyunah going solo again but Cube is preparing her for a global debut.
What does this mean for 4minute? What do I think?
I'll say this right off the bat, I love Hyunah's solo ventures. I really do, I think it's wonderful that's she's doing her thing, and I really am looking forward to this comeback. However, I am starting to become truly concerned with what this does to 4minute.
I feel like Cube is focusing a tad bit too much attention on Hyunah when 4minute as a group is still struggling to stay relevant. Even their hoobaes are starting to surpass them on the relevancy list. So, my question is, if Cube knows this then why the fuck are they in talks with American agencies to debut Hyunah? That's their only concern? What about 4minute getting crushed everytime they make a comeback? Why is 4minute only coming back ONCE a year when they're not even established yet?
Cube wake the hell up and smell the coffee...
I agree with most 4nias that this starting to get a bit ridiculous however, I don't agree with some 4nias new hate campaign against Hyunah. Why would you blame her for something she probably can't even fully control. I'm sure she wants 4minute to succeed also. So all you "4nias" in this hate campaign need to sit the fuck down. And if you're going to continue in this campaign, can you please not walk around claiming to be a 4nia? Cause you're not.
I'm not saying I'm not happy about her comeback because tbh I spazzed like crazy when it was announced. She's my girl and I'll always love her and support her. But I will never deny the fact that the rest of 4minute is being treated unfairly and they are under-promoted.
The comeback I'm happy about...But debuting her in the US/Globally while 4minute is still 2nd-3rd rate kpop stars? That's a slap in the face to the rest of 4minute.
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