Friday, August 31, 2012

[OPINION] Too Soon for a T-ara Comeback?

When the T-ara scandal thingy first happened I was like, "Yeah I'm not really gonna blog about that...Cause I don't want to." But I'm pretty sure everybody knows the story and the bullying-scandal's details. I don't need to tell you right? right?

Well, that vicious scandal happened not too long ago and T-ara is already coming back this September 3rd. Most groups when they go through a scandal, they hold off on promoting for a whileeee especially scandals that cost them some members. T-ara released a hand-written apology letter this week to further cushion their upcoming comeback. The original date was August 15th and they pushed it back to September 3rd.

My thing is, it's almost like they're saying "Yeah ok we lost a member, let's move on and continue like usual." Um no you had these girls bully a member out of her spot and now they're coming back after a month? First off you guys should have been a little bit more strategic in releasing your apology letter. That letter should have been released WEEKS before you announce a comeback not all at the same time. It just looks fake when the letter is actually pretty solid and forgivable.

Honestly, I loved T-ara, I don't agree with what they did and I'm on Hwayoung's side but after reading up on the situation a little more, I did start to feel bad for members like Eunjung. She took a huge blow from her carelessness. But we all make mistakes right?

Can I forgive them and continue to enjoy their music?
Yeah probably. 
I'll probably dislike some members forever though (i.e. Jiyeon) and I will definitely NEVER look at them the same. I no longer care for their personalities so therefore it's all about the music to me with them.

But do I think this comeback is too soon?
Fuck yeah I do. They need to fall back.

And if they are going to comeback this soon, they better bring it. Because they will be scrutinized. This song better be the best damn song, performance, and music video I've ever seen from them.

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