Wednesday, August 22, 2012

[OPINION] Rookie Award Predictions - First Half

The most important, argued over, and talked about award of the year in kpop is the rookie award. Receiving a rookie of the year award is a one time only honor so groups strive the entire year to get it. Naturally each fandom thinks their rookies deserve it. Here is my unbias (lying) opinion on who should get it and who will get it regardless.


I'm pretty sure everyone knows this but they'll win. They would win even if they named their album 'Shit' and sung about animal dung. And no I'm not saying they don't deserve it because I believe that all these groups deserve it, that no one deserves the award more than the other. Because guess what they all poured hours into their music and performances. But what I am saying is that everything that has the letters SM on it is automatically a hit. They don't have to try very hard to gain the majority of votes just because of the company they're under.

EXO has only promoted one song so far this year and with just that song alone they can win. Do I think that they should win as far as their music goes?

Ummmmm......No. Their songs weren't even all that great. The only reason I really like them is because they are in my opinion some of the best dancers in kpop, and definitely the best dance group that has debuted this year, but that's not enough to win an award. And to me they barely made an impact. I feel like they came and went. They need to make another comeback before the awards arrive.

Oh but their MVs were also *__* 


B.A.P. is probably EXO's biggest competition because these dudes are hungry for that rookie award. They debuted and came back twice in the same year. That's crazy! Not a lot of groups do this. Actually I've never heard of any group doing this. 

However, I won't even sit here and be bias, I'm not all too crazy as far as them winning because of their title tracks either. All of their title tracks have been basically the same song or EXTREMELY similar. The songs are similar enough for you to notice the pattern. The pattern is great but it's still a pattern and it gets boring after a while. I think if they still continue doing it after 'No Mercy', which I loved, I'll get tired of it and really start complaining.

But it's the songs on their actual album that really impress me. Songs like "It's All Lies" and " Dancing In The Rain" and "Voice Mail" will be their winning ticket but the title song is always the one that is looked at. Their second album I think was their best so far because I wasn't even a big fan of the first set of songs to be quite honest.

The reason why I love B.A.P. so much besides their personalities is for their impressive MVs and performances. These boys are superb on stage, they always give you a show and for that yes I think they should win some awards just for banging themselves up on stage. If you're breaking bones from practicing and performing and almost setting yourself on fire on set, then yeah you need to get an award.

Their overall presence deserves an award.


As far as solo artists go, yes it has to be Ailee. This girl HAS to win some awards. Even though she's only promoted one song so far she has definitely captured a lot of attention with those vocals. She's definitely got my attention and I was truly impressed. I've known about her since her YT days but she's come a very long way. 

Heaven is one of the best songs of the year in my opinion. I usually don't even go nuts over ballads but that song is truly a classic and the her performances were mostly flawless.


No matter how much I want them to win, I know they won't and we all know why. The same reason why Block B didn't win a single award after dominating the other rookies, besides B1A4, last year. Fucking N-Train was nominated before Block B. Block B wasn't even NOMINATED AT ALL. Who the fuck is N-Train? No offense, I heard they're awesome vocalist but come on. They made NO impact at all..Ugh ok that's another post for another day lol.

Anyway the same will most likely happen to Evol. I really do want them to get at least one award because I'm still playing their well-produced album everyday on replay. The songs were really well done for a rookie group, their performances have been really impressive so far. When they get on stage they really know how to capture your full attention and their vocals are so far on point.


SPICA deserves to win something..........
Yeah they do.
BOTH of their songs were amazing ESPECIALLY Painkiller. ALL of their performances were flawlessly executed. But guess what, they won't win because people are stupid and don't judge by good quality music. They judge by other shit that is totally irrelevant, i.e. who has the best aegyo.

If they were to win I would cry lol. Because I really want people to appreciate this group as one of the best. I mean seriously how many groups are there in kpop where EVERY member can sing? Count them on your fingers and I bet you won't get past 5, if that. Especially in the female group category.

I really think it's going to come down to EXO and B.A.P. winning most of the awards in the male rookie category. For obvious reasons. These two groups are obviously dominating the rest of the rookie boys. If any other boy groups stood a chance it will probably be Nu'est and BTOB. Those will probably be the four nominees. 

The girls never really have the same winners unless one of the big three releases a girl group. Which YG is suppose to and their groups will probably win the awards to be honest. But from the girls that have debuted so far, I think it will be between Hello Venus and AOA. I would love if D-unit won something too, because not only did they release a full album but it was an amazing album for a rookie group.

Hello Venus and AOA will probably win because they are what Korea likes but you can never really tell with the girls. But the year isn't done yet so who knows what the hell is to come. New groups debut every freaking week.

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