Saturday, August 11, 2012

[RANKINGS] Top 5 Dumbest Fanwars/Controversies

I think we can all agree. Fanwars (and some controversies) are dumb. All of them. But some of them are just............Oh god.

 5. Sones & ELFs: The Never Ending War

These mofos are ALWAYS fighting and honestly I don't even know why and I honestly don't care. The fighting is so annoying I don't even keep up. But these two fanclubs are the poster child for fanwaring against each other.

4. They Kissed?

Boy group members have doing fan service since the dawn of time. So why the hell is this any different? A lot of people were 50/50 with this, some say it was nasty and other thinks its hot. But there was actually Shawols who left the "fandom" because of this incident. Well bitch then you wasn't a Shawol anyways because SHINee has been getting horny with each other since they debuted. And I find it to be kinda hot actually. Stop being homophobic! If he wants to sex the boy on stage let it happen!!

I wanna add this in too because I think there is a double standard here. Taeyeon and Sooyoung "appeared" to have kissed each other during a Music Core performance and most people said that this was awkward or wrong. How the fuck is this awkward or wrong but boys can do it and most people will think it's perfectly normal? O.O If anything when two girls kiss it's hot and when two apparently straight boys do it, it's weird. So why was this a scandal when boys do it ALL THE TIME?

3. The Color Orange Is Ours!

And here we are into the top three and so it begins. Ok this is how this one goes. Cho PD finally got down to getting an official color for Block B and he just so happen to pick the color 'Orange'. Every kpop star has an official color and copying another star's color is like MAD offensive apparently. 'Orange' is the official color of Shinhwa. Block B's team announces that 'Orange' will be there color and all hell breaks loose. Shinhwa fans go nuts and start attacking Block B for stealing their color...Their COLOR! This fanwar was huge and lasted for a couple days. Over a COLOR. Sit the fuck down ok...All the colors have been taken and Shinhwa doesn't even really promote so why not share the color? There are SO many colors taken to the point where groups are using "Pearl Midnight Blue" like what the fuck.

It's a color..Ok a damn color.
Block B's official color is Purple.
Guess what, that was taken too.

2. Dal Shabet Danced With My Oppa!

Dal Shabet and B1A4 put on a frisky performance together and BANAs lose their shit. Shit gets even worse when fans claim Serri ignored a B1A4 member's greeting. Then someone spreads a vicious rumor that a Dal Shabet fan raped a B1A4 fan, a rumor which was said to be false by police. And basically it just gets stupid from there. This all started because BANAs got butt-hurt that Dal Shabet was getting the goods on live television and started attacking Dal Shabet. Even international fans were going at it saying they didn't understand why it had to be Dal Shabet and not some other group.

A woman's jealousy is vicious my friends.

1. Soy Sauce

It's the second time Block B is the center of a fanwar. They just won't be left the fuck alone. Ever. I don't even know how to explain this one. I don't even get it.

Block B and B1A4 were both featured on a MTV show called 'Match Up'. In one episode they had to retrieve dinner for each other so they would have something to eat during their viewing of the first episode of Match Up (or something along these lines..I've watched every episode 1000 times lol). B1A4 had ordered Soy Sauce Chicken however Block B couldn't find it so they bought Chicken and Soy Sauce separately and Yukwon put the Soy Sauce onto the Chicken. Apparently drowning it.

And yes. This my friend caused the dumbest fanwar I have EVER witnessed. Korean BANAs start to rage and attack Block B, I think a few weeks later actually, saying that Yukwon is being spiteful and disrespectful towards B1A4 and that Block B has no respect for anyone or manners. That he spitefully drowned their chicken in soy sauce so that it would taste nasty.

It's soy sauce. And guess what. B1A4 ate that shit up.

So you see people..Fanwars..They are just..Well dumb. Most of them make no sense and have no logic.

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